Cultură și experiență de migrație în satele României Culture and migration experience in Romanian villages Section Studies and Research Papers


Dumitru Sandu


The study proposes a cultural typology of Romanian villages, relevant for the variation of choice behavior. The presence of relevant others within the village is the basic dimension of generating the typology. Starting from this hypothesis we identified six cultural types of villages with specific cultural profiles associated with imigration, ethnic minorities, religious minorities, high education stock, ecological isolation and traditionallity. The data for the analysis were from different censuses. Temporay migration abroad of the villagers is significantly differentiated function of the cultural type of community.


Author Biography

Dumitru Sandu, University of Bucharest

Address: 4-12 Regina Elisabeta Blvd., 030018, District 3, Bucharest, Romania.

How to Cite
Sandu, D. (2004). Cultură și experiență de migrație în satele României: Culture and migration experience in Romanian villages. Sociologie Românească, 2(3), 179-201. Retrieved from