Migrația transnațională a românilor din perspectiva unui recensământ comunitar The Romanian Transnational Migration form the Perspective of a Community Census Section Miscelanea


Dumitru Sandu


The study presents the first results of a first community census on temporary external migration of rural population from Romania. The information was collected by a form sent to all the villages of the country, filled in by local experts. 12300 out of about 12700 villages filled in the questionnaire. In spite of the fact that collected data are affected by estimation errors related to expert's knowledge or prejudices, the resulting findings show a rather high degree of consistency. The global image is that of a country that is highly regionalized from the migration point of view: function of destinations of circular migration, the country is clearly divided into „fields" and „regions" of migration. Village level analysis indicate also a strong selectivity of the phenomenon function of community characteristics - size, level of development, age, ethnic and religious profile, regional location etc. The hypothesis of transnational migration is supported by the overall information collected by the census. The theoretical model for data interpretation has as key terms - community capital, networks, migration waves and cumulative causation. Implications for migration and regional development policies are derived from the analysis. Prediction models benefited to a large degree of other data at village or regional level produced within a different research project of University of Bucharest focused on community and regional development.


Author Biography

Dumitru Sandu, University of Bucharest

Address: 4-12 Regina Elisabeta Blvd., 030018, District 3, Bucharest, Romania.


How to Cite
Sandu, D. (2000). Migrația transnațională a românilor din perspectiva unui recensământ comunitar: The Romanian Transnational Migration form the Perspective of a Community Census. Sociologie Românească, 8(3-4), 5-50. Retrieved from https://revistasociologieromaneasca.ro/sr/article/view/1182