Determinanți ai satisfacției cu democrația în Europa post-comunistă Influences on life satisfaction in post-communist Europe Section Studies and Research Papers


Marius Precupețu


The sustainability of new post-communist democracies depends essentially on their capacity to attract and maintain peoples support for the democratic regime. In the present analysis, the indicator satisfaction with democracy is considered as a function of both objective condition of the functionning of democracy and subjective aspects like citizens values and expectations. This analysis shows that peoples satisfaction with democracy depends mostly on the perceived performance of the political system and on perceptions related to the economic situation at both the national level and at the level of the household.


Author Biography

Marius Precupețu, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration

Address: 6 Povernei Street, 030167, District 1, Bucharest, Romania.

How to Cite
Precupețu, M. (2006). Determinanți ai satisfacției cu democrația în Europa post-comunistă: Influences on life satisfaction in post-communist Europe. Sociologie Românească, 4(1), 92-118. Retrieved from