Tehnici de comunicare şi PR politic în Şcoala lui Dimitrie Gusti. Carol al II-lea, „regele ţăranilor şi al tineretului” Political PR and Communication Techniques within The School of Dimitrie Gusti. King Karl II, “The King of the Peasants and of the Youth” Section Articles
When the common belief was that „everything had been said” about the Sociological School of Dimitrie Gusi (1925-1940), researcher Zoltán Rostás released his research project regarding Gusti’s School. The Monographic School was disclosed in a totally different manner from the perspective of the oral history. This study is based on the life history interviews conducted by Rostás on the Gusti’s School members in the ’80s. To answer the question to which extent did a coherent or spontaneous political communication strategy exist in the interwar period, coordinated by the sociologists hired at the Royal Foundation in the favor of King Karl II, the author also studied the press articles of those times. By using the method of representative biography, the article unveils if and how the members of Gusti’s School used the PR and communication techniques that Gusti had encountered in Germany with the purpose to build an image of a Social Monarch for King Karl II’s. The article describes the rupture produced in the mid ’30s between the group formed around Rânduiala magazine (Ernest Bernea, D. C. Amzăr) and the sociologists who remained faithful to Dimitrie Gusti at the Cultural Royal Foundation (Octavian Neamţu, Henri H. Stahl, Anton Golopenţia). The two fractions applied a series of communication techniques to build the profile of a „Savior” of the nation in the press back then. The supporters of Rânduiala built it for the Captain of the Legionary Movement, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, and the monographists – for King Karl II.
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