Politici publice adresate minorității rome în perioada postsocialistă: între europenizare și deresponsabilizare Public policies for Roma during postsocialism: between Europeanization and devolution of responsibilities Section Studies


Ionuț-Marian Anghel


In this study I will focus on the main institutional developments and public and social policies that were developed during postsocialism in the field of (ethnic) minority protection and the improvement of the socio-economic well-being of Roma in Romania. In the first decade of postsocialism, efforts were rather headed towards cultural and political rights, and the interventions came from non-governmental organizations. After 2001, the first coherent public policy to address the Roma was developed for a period of 10 years (revised in 2006) and aimed to reduce the gaps between Roma and non-Roma in four areas: education, health, housing and employment. The Roma strategy pinpointed the institutional responsibilities at central and local level for its implementation and created positions within the prefectures, ministries and mayoralties, responsible for monitoring the implementation of the strategy. In the last part of the chapter I will discuss the development of policies and initiatives for Roma at European level, starting with the 1990s, when the European institutions had no instruments aimed at the protection of minorities and until present days when an European Union Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies was developed.


Author Biography

Ionuț-Marian Anghel, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 September Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.

Email: ionut.anghel@iccv.ro

How to Cite
Anghel, I.-M. (2019). Politici publice adresate minorității rome în perioada postsocialistă: între europenizare și deresponsabilizare: Public policies for Roma during postsocialism: between Europeanization and devolution of responsibilities. Sociologie Românească, 17(2), 92-117. https://doi.org/10.33788/sr.17.2.4


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