Politici sociale postmoderne în România: Între nevoie și schimbările așteptate ale sistemului de furnizare a bunăstării Postmodern social policy in Romania. Between needs and expected changes of the welfare regime Section Studies


Bogdan Voicu


This paper discusses current challenges of the welfare regime in Romania, from the standpoint of postmodern cultural changes that started to affect society. Acording to the main argument, Romania is intertwined with other societies that have already underwent through fundamental changes due to increasing postmodern cultural orientation. Such process comes together with a need for individualization of intervention, due to individualization of needs. Delocalization and denormalization overlap individualization, in a world dominated by mobilities. The paper delves with the basic characteristics of these changes and shows how they already affect or may affect Romania in the near future, in specific domains such as family, education, or housing. International migration is in particular addressed, since Romania is experiencing a large and long-lasting out-migration flow. Changes in technologies are used as material basis for future changes, while cultural preferences and their changes are the red line for all subchapters.


Author Biography

Bogdan Voicu, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 September Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.

Email: bogdan@iccv.ro

How to Cite
Voicu, B. (2019). Politici sociale postmoderne în România: Între nevoie și schimbările așteptate ale sistemului de furnizare a bunăstării: Postmodern social policy in Romania. Between needs and expected changes of the welfare regime. Sociologie Românească, 17(2), 9-36. https://doi.org/10.33788/sr.17.2.1


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