Dreptul la educație în Regiunea transnistreană a Republicii Moldova și atitudinea comunității internaționale The right to education in the Transnistrean area of the Republic of Moldova and the attitude of the international community Section Studies and Research Papers
This paper tries to clarify the issues related to the right to education in the so-called Transnistrian Moldavian Republic (TMR) and will prove the seriousness of its systematic violation. Clarifying the TMR policies towards Romanian children those children that prefer using the Latin alphabet instead of the Cyrillic one, such as the Moldavians do is a complicated matter, deepened by the separatist authorities through their denying the charge of any violation of the education right. The authors argue that the violation of the human rights by unrecognized Government of the TMR, including the right to education, should concern not only the states confronted with separatism, but the entire international community.
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