Încredere și toleranță față de alte națiuni sau etnii. Cercetare comparativă asupra tinerilor din România și Ungaria Trust and Tolerance towards Other Nationalities or Ethnic Groups. A Comparative Research on the Youth Population in Romania and Hungary Section Studies and Research Papers
The paper presents some of the main issues characterizing the attitudes of the Romanian and Hungarian youth towards other nations and ethnical groups. The most spectacular or only the significant similarities and differences between the young people living in the two countries mentioned above concerning the confidence and tolerance for ethnical minorities of their own countries and other nations are pointed out. Beyond the ethno-civic unifying characteristics there are some specific ones. Thus, the Romanian youth could be associated with a high level of tolerance and inter-ethnic confidence, unlike the Hungarian youth, more distrustful about „aliens”, meaning other people, ethnical minorities in their own country, including immigrants. Another important aspect resulting from this comparative study regards the mutual attitude of the Romanian and the Hungarian young people, a huge perception deficit of the Hungarian youth concerning the Romanians. Finaly, the self-knowledge - as a main value - of one's own nation seems to be at much higher levels as far as the Hungarian youth is concerned in comparison with the Romanians.

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