Sociologia monografică a lui D. Gusti: legitimitatea unei sinteze D. Gusti's monographic sociology: The legitimacy of a synthesis Section Studies and Research Papers


Maria Larionescu


The article focuses on D. Gusti's personality and activity of creating the system of the sociological monography, further used as an analytical basis for the direct field research in the villages. The study points to the fact that the Gustian sociological system is an original, creative synthesis of some of the most important European scientific contributions, especially German, French and Romanian. A more comprehensive image of the Gusti's performance has been structured into two directions: sociological causality, especially the low of sociological parallelism, and the interdisciplinary principle.


Author Biography

Maria Larionescu, University of Bucharest

Address: 4-12 Regina Elisabeta Blvd., 030018, District 3, Bucharest, Romania.

How to Cite
Larionescu, M. (2005). Sociologia monografică a lui D. Gusti: legitimitatea unei sinteze: D. Gusti’s monographic sociology: The legitimacy of a synthesis. Sociologie Românească, 3(2), 15-25. Retrieved from

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