Migrația și satul Migration and the Village Section Articles
In the present study we have tried an detailed analyse of the evolution of internal and temporary outmigration, during the last four decades. It was found at least six different migration stages. The second part of article focalise on participation of rural population in process of migration, between 1968-2004, more precisely on main characteristics of postdecember evolution of internal and external migration implying rural area. We mean by that, primary, the spectaculare growing of urban-rural migration, special by retromigration [the coming back in the countryside of those who had gone away two or three decades ago] and a significant growing of outmigration on economic purpose. Both types of migration are consequences of quasi general crises the Romanian communities are confronted with. The impact of this phenomenon on the potential of development of the villages ist different: a) retromigration, by negative selection that it implies, contributes to the degradation of the human rural capital; b) the temporary outmigration on economic purpose leads to an individual and family prosperity, but not to social prosperity, for now anyway. We think that, by a different approach of the money comig into the country, brought by external migrants. These money could be use also in order to contribute to the economical devellopment of the villages, primary by the implementation of some working units as a result of the cooperation between migratory people and the local or/and national authorities.

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