Migrations dans un monde globalisé Migrations in a Globalized World Section Essays
What perspectives open to the world of the 21st century? Tomorrow's Europe will need to have a structured system of action on free movement. The causes of migrant's decision to leave remain the same; they are specific to each area of departure, but migrants will be more and more numerous. Europe cannot receive more immigrants than the traditional immigration countries do, although the declining demographics and job vacancies can affect its future development; it will "communitarise" the management of external borders through the visa system and the filtering of asylum applications. The EU countries will have to support a common migration policy, but that does not mean that the borders will be closed to all migrants. Besides financial costs, border control also has political implications. A poorly-designed closure policy can influence public opinion to become a vehement opponent of migration and can generate perverse effects contrary to migratory flows and structural adjustments of Southern and Eastern countries; which through people mobility are trying to reduce economic, social and cultural disparities. The alternative to border closure found by migration analysts is to learn how to "live together" and to find real solutions that will enable people to choose between leaving and staying at home." Living together" pursues social cohesion and the integration of immigrant populations.
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