Situația sărăciei și protecția socială. România în context european Poverty Realities and Social Protection. Romania in European Context Section Studies


Mariana Stanciu


This article analyzes the situation of poverty and social protection in the countries of the European Union, with an emphasis on the Romanian realities in this field. The European social protection systems are presented from the perspective of the way in which the financing budgets are created, or from the perspective of the social protection expenditures, or the share of the social protection expenditures in GDP, the per capita expenditures with the social protection, the types of benefits granted etc. Romania is distinguished from the other European states by the fact that during the analyzed period, it was systematically located on one of the last two or three places of the European top. This happened in spite of the fact that in 2008-2014 in Romania there was a tendency to increase the share of social protection funding by the governments in power.


Author Biography

Mariana Stanciu, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 September Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.


How to Cite
Stanciu, M. (2017). Situația sărăciei și protecția socială. România în context european: Poverty Realities and Social Protection. Romania in European Context. Sociologie Românească, 15(3-4), 51-69. Retrieved from


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