Mass-media și „percepția riscurilor”. Propunere metodologică de cercetare a documentelor audiovizuale Mass-media and the „Risk Perception”. A Methodological Proposal for Researching Audiovisual Documents Section Studies
The current study is dedicated to develop a model of qualitative research of audiovisual documents. As the audiovisual language technology is sensorial-perceptive, the social construction of „risk perception” constitutes the most appropriate social cognitive field of the development theory and experimentation. Simultaneously with the risk situations praxiology, the methodological project initiates the theoretical and practical investigation of the intrinsic psychological basis of the cinema language. As a result, the morphology and the syntax of the audiovisual language were redefined through a cognitivist behavioral perspective (visualisable) operationalized by the structure and functions of the cognitive schemas of scenario. This study demonstrates that there is an important analitical potential when the decoding of the language is made through sociological well known concepts such as expectancy, vulnerability, critical incident, cognitive dissonance, deviance etc. This way it is explained the process through which the audiovisual dramaturgy as an expression of the social dramaturgy uses the rapport between expected scenarios and the actual performance of them. Applied in the advertising rhetoric of inducting the „risk perception”, the methodological model aims at future developments and adaptations for the research of any other audiovisual documents of sociological and anthropological interest.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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