Excesul de prosperitate şi indicele vieţii planetare Excess of Prosperity and Living Planet Index Section Studies


Mariana Stanciu


The accelerated economic development initiated by the Western industrial revolution and consumerist societies, generated an unprecedented difficult ecologic situation on the Earth. This article presents some consequences of this difficult ecologic situation in the field of human and other species` quality of life. The author focused on the data regarding the continuous global growth of the goods and services consumption, during the last 25 years, as a result of the often irresponsible general competition for profit, of the goods and services producers, but on the other side, by the too great distance between the global banking system rationality and the rationality of the real and durable economy. The article proposes some measures for alleviating social risks of the economic development, and also, for the raising quality of life, both for human race and other conscious species living on the Earth. In this article there are used data published by some international institutions and organizations, as World Bank or World Watch Foundation, and also, information from the very recent scientific researches belonging to the field of experimental psychology and socio-economic scientific research.


Author Biography

Mariana Stanciu, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 September Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.

Email: mariana3stanciu@gmail.com

How to Cite
Stanciu, M. (2015). Excesul de prosperitate şi indicele vieţii planetare: Excess of Prosperity and Living Planet Index. Sociologie Românească, 13(2), 41-54. Retrieved from https://revistasociologieromaneasca.ro/sr/article/view/2015_2_stanciu