Contexte de gen: Roluri, drepturi şi mişcări ale femeilor din România la sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea şi la începutul secolului al XX-lea Gender Contexts: Women’s Roles, Rights, and Movements in Romania, 1880-1939 Section Studies


Theodora-Eliza Văcărescu


This article functions as a gender context for women’s participation, work and contribution to some of the sociological research and social interventions during the 1920s and the 1930s in Romania. Women and men that took part in the sociological monographic campaigns, in the royal student teams of the 1934-1938, and in the commanders’ schools within the Social Service in 1938-1939 – all coordinated by Dimitrie Gusti – did not benefit from the same civil provisions, did not have the same political rights, did not share the same social roles, and could not profit from the same professional and personal models and opportunities. In this paper I explore the main aspects concerning the social, legal, and political conditions affecting women’s lives and activities during the last decades of the nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth. I offer possible answers to such questions as: Which were the dominant gender roles and expectations before and after WWI? What were the parameters of the negotiation space used by women who fit only partially their pre-defined roles? What educational and professional opportunities existed for women? Which were the main attempts at social change and even contestation of the patriarchal order initiated and carried out by women’s organizations? What arguments and strategies did women’s movements mobilized for promoting their civil and political emancipation objectives?


Author Biography

Theodora-Eliza Văcărescu, The Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies, University of Bucharest

Address: 1-3 Iuliu Maniu Blvd., 061071, District 6, Bucharest, Romania.


How to Cite
Văcărescu, T.-E. (2014). Contexte de gen: Roluri, drepturi şi mişcări ale femeilor din România la sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea şi la începutul secolului al XX-lea: Gender Contexts: Women’s Roles, Rights, and Movements in Romania, 1880-1939. Sociologie Românească, 12(1-2), 92-118. Retrieved from