Accesul populaţiei cu venituri mici la un consum minim decent în România – Notă de cercetare The Access of the Population with Low Incomes to a Decent Minimum Consumption in Romania – Research Note Section Studies


Adina Mihăilescu
Mariana Stanciu


Large categories of population from Romania achieve relative low incomes by their daily economic activity. But the low incomes of a great proportion of the population become even a greater social problem when it is present in a social context of a higher degree of income inequality at the national and European level. The analysis of the actual income inequality from Romania, by the Gini coefficient dynamics, by observing the distribution of the different types of households over the income deciles, or by the prevalent structural and quantitative characteristics of the income deciles, creates an eloquent vision on the economic perspectives of the Romanian employment and on the persistent condition of poverty among the majority of the employed people. The relative low purchasing power of these categories of population is assessed through the comparison between the total level of income gotten by these kinds of households with the correspondent value of the minimum basket of consumption. The minimum basket of consumption (the decent minimum basket of consumption and the subsistence one) used in this context is a methodological instrument designed by the normative method inside the Research Institute for Quality of Life from Bucharest. The article is using too, some data published by the National Institute of Statistics, Eurostat and other authorized sources.


Author Biographies

Adina Mihăilescu, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 September Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.


Mariana Stanciu, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 September Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.


How to Cite
Mihăilescu, A., & Stanciu, M. (1). Accesul populaţiei cu venituri mici la un consum minim decent în România – Notă de cercetare : The Access of the Population with Low Incomes to a Decent Minimum Consumption in Romania – Research Note. Sociologie Românească, 11(2), 28-41. Retrieved from