Există un curent monografist în cadrul tinerei generaţii interbelice? Is there a Monographist Current in the Milieu of the Young Interwar Generation? Section Articles
In this article I will seek to bring to the fore a current which, until now, escaped the attention of those who study the problem of the young interwar generation: the monographist current or the one inspired by the Sociological School founded by Dimitrie Gusti. The question is to what extent such current can be identified. This research will provide just a few clues on a possible answer, not a full-fledged investigation. Also, this research is not one on the history of sociological ideas, being framed within the social history approaches of the Gustian School inspired by Zoltan Rostás. I show in this paper that the monographist current is originated in the early twenties of the interwar period, as an alternative to the radical student’s movement witch later will be dominated by the legionaries. The main feature of the monographists is their non-ideological and analytical approach of the realities of the time, as opposed to the highly ideological and radical legionaries, and their action-oriented stance, as opposed to the theoretical „essayists”(Eliade, Cioran, Noica). The monographist current is also much more institutionalized, being a public extension of the Gustian School, not merely a cultural or a political fashion. An important notice is that the Gustian monography as such begins with the youth problem of the interwar Romania, before it will return to the villages.
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