Ideea europeană în istorie The European Idea throughout History Section Studies


Angela Banciu


Nowadays we are passing through a change of paradigm, after the radical rupture with the European idea generated by the dividing, for half a century, of our continent. This study analyses the origins and specifics of Europe, as well as the slow evolution of the European idea, up until modern times. It also relieves the proceedings of gradual affirmation of the European identity consciousness, also expressed by the elaboration of numerous projects to achieve an institutional and politic unity of Europe, projects that have been made available for practice in the after war period.


Author Biography

Angela Banciu, Politehnica University of Bucharest

Address: 313 Splaiul Independenței, 060042, District 6, Bucharest, Romania.


How to Cite
Banciu, A. (2006). Ideea europeană în istorie: The European Idea throughout History. Sociologie Românească, 4(4), 14-31. Retrieved from