Avantaje și riscuri ale internetului pentru copii și adolescenți. Strategii de mediere digitală parentală și școlară. Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj‐Napoca, 2021. Anda Rodideal


Ionuț Captari


The book addresses the issue of parental and school digital mediation strategies, identifying the key variables and highlighting the gaps found, developing a dynamic model and a School Digital Mediation Guide dedicated to teachers, school counselors, for a deep understanding of how the internet shapes child and adolescent development. The author remarks the distinct characteristics of technology use in digital education by creating connections between national and international studies in the field and opinions of main actors involved to guide the reader in understanding how to increase the benefits and limit the risks of using the Internet for children and adolescents. The School Digital Mediation Guide contains viable national-level solutions and proposals for implementing beneficial measures for children's and adolescents' digital education and integration into school and family activities.


Author Biography

Ionuț Captari, Romanian Academy

PhD candidate
School of Advanced Studies of the Romanian Academy (SCOSAAR), Sociology field
Address: Calea Victoriei no. 125, District 1, 010071, Bucharest, Romania.
Email: ionut_captari@yahoo.com

How to Cite
Captari, I. (2023). Avantaje și riscuri ale internetului pentru copii și adolescenți. Strategii de mediere digitală parentală și școlară. Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj‐Napoca, 2021. Anda Rodideal. Sociologie Românească, 21(1), 184-187. https://doi.org/10.33788/sr.21.1.11