Zilele Academice Ieșene – Sărbătoarea științei la Academia Română Filiala Iași


Meda Gâlea


For 37 years, in the fall, in Iași, there have been large-scale scientific events organized by the Iași Branch of the Romanian Academy during the Iași Academic Days. On these occasions numerous scientists, from the country and abroad, present their own results and debates take place. Through these actions to promote scientific results, but also to create the institutional framework for dialogue, the institution wants to present its own achievements to the general public and to transfer beyond the borders of science laboratories results that could be useful to the economic, social or cultural environment.


Author Biography

Meda Gâlea, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch

Address: 8 Carol I Blvd., Iași, Iași County, 700505, Romania.
Email: medagalea@yahoo.com

How to Cite
Gâlea, M. (2023). Zilele Academice Ieșene – Sărbătoarea științei la Academia Română Filiala Iași. Sociologie Românească, 20(2), 197-200. https://doi.org/10.33788/sr.20.2.9