Les Lieux de Memoire and the Legacies of Roma Slavery in the Collective Memory. Case Study in Tismana, Gorj County, Romania


Adrian-Nicolae Furtună


This article aims to analyse the content of the local collective memory regarding slavery in Tismana, the place of the first documentary attestation of “Gypsies” in Romanian territory as slaves. To construct my theoretical framework, I use theories particularly from the field of sociology, but I also take in consideration works from the field of history and cultural studies. The research model I use is a qualitative one – ethnographic, based on the theory of social representations. The case study is based on the relationship between the local mnemonics (the presence of the monastery) that refer to the phenomenon of slavery and the Roma community. After I identify the content of local collective memory regarding the phenomenon of “Gypsy slavery” and the meanings attributed to the mnemonics relating to slavery, I analyse how this content influences the construction and assumption of Roma ethnic identity, today, in this locality. I argue how the heritage of slavery shapes the relations between Roma and the majority population nowadays. This article also aims to introduce the debate on Roma slavery in Romania into the global discussion on collective memory, identity, and the legacies of slavery.


Author Biography

Adrian-Nicolae Furtună, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 Septembrie Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.
Email: furtunaadrian@yahoo.com

How to Cite
Furtună, A.-N. (2023). Les Lieux de Memoire and the Legacies of Roma Slavery in the Collective Memory. Case Study in Tismana, Gorj County, Romania. Sociologie Românească, 20(2), 168-196. https://doi.org/10.33788/sr.20.2.8


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