Realități sociale și politici publice în România. Editura Academiei Române, București, 2021. Cristina Otovescu


Sergiu-Lucian Raiu


This volume provides relevant and systematic information on the evolution of Romanian society from the establishment of the Romanian state as a nation to the present day from a political, economic and social perspective, highlighting through statistics the situation of the country compared to other states. The paper summarizes key aspects of the structure and dynamics of the Romanian population, provides a diagnosis of public health and the medical system in Romania compared to other European Union countries. Professor Dr. Maria Cristina Otovescu from the University of Craiova, Faculty of Law, looks at the manifestation of the pandemic in various countries around the world in terms of public policies in emergencies and crises and presents in a concise manner the response of the authorities and the mobilization of the international community during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.


Author Biography

Sergiu-Lucian Raiu, Ștefan cel Mare University

Faculty of History and Geography, Department of Human and Social-Political Sciences
Address: 13 Universității Street, Suceava, 720229, Suceava County, Romania.

How to Cite
Raiu, S.-L. (2022). Realități sociale și politici publice în România. Editura Academiei Române, București, 2021. Cristina Otovescu. Sociologie Românească, 20(1), 151-160.