O carieră internațională cu rădăcini în școala gustiană. Acad. Mihail M. Cernea la 90 de ani


Zoltán Rostás


Sociologist Michael M. Cernea, after a successful professional career in Romania, his native country, continued his work at the World Bank, in Washington, starting in 1974. He founded the department of sociology and influenced the perspective on social security within the Bank. Cernea was awarded the Bronisław Malinowski and Solon T. Kimball prizes for his scientific achievements, and he was elected member of the Romanian Academy. He is considered one of the most important thinkers in the fields of sociology of development and applied anthropology.


Author Biography

Zoltán Rostás, University of Bucharest

Address: 4-12 Regina Elisabeta Blvd., 030018, District 3, Bucharest, Romania.
Email: zoltan.z.rostas@gmail.com

How to Cite
Rostás, Z. (2021). O carieră internațională cu rădăcini în școala gustiană. Acad. Mihail M. Cernea la 90 de ani. Sociologie Românească, 19(2), 229-234. https://doi.org/10.33788/sr.19.2.10