Generațiile X, Y și Z pe piața muncii. Caracteristici specifice, strategii de implicare în învățarea activă și abordări ale relației managerilor cu angajații
The article describes the main characteristics of some age groups known as Generations X, Y, Z. It’s main aim consists of analyzing these generations’ characteristics in relation to the labour market. Also, on the basis of these characteristics, we set out the most efficient strategies of how to engage members of Generation Y and Z in active learning and what leadership and management they wish to find at their jobs. Digital natives, both Generation Y and Generation Z members want dynamic jobs, preferring professional autonomy and need constant growth. The information they get has to be applicable in real life, trainers have to be mentors and guides and teaching-learning methods have to combine technologies and interactive style. Managers should be their models, inspirational people, they should implement a free and flexible management style, be daily close to employees, always give feedback and create technological and collaborative working spaces.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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