Sinuciderea ca fenomen social Suicide as Social Phenomenon Section Miscelanea


Cristina Brădățan


The bulk of this paper will show that Durkheim's hypothesis about suicide are relevant to the Romanian population. What was the impact of the Revolution on the rate of suicides? What is the evolution of this rate after 1989? What are the main characteristics of the people who commit suicide in Romania? These are several of the questions that the paper will answer. A brief history and the main explanations that are given by psychology and sociology will complete the image of suicide as a social phenomena.


Author Biography

Cristina Brădățan, Vladimir Trebici Demography Center, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 September Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.

How to Cite
Brădățan, C. (1999). Sinuciderea ca fenomen social: Suicide as Social Phenomenon. Sociologie Românească, 8(2), 85-96. Retrieved from

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