Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology Review) is the official journal of the Romanian Sociological Association. First established in 1936, by the renowned (Romanian) scholar Dimitrie Gusti, the founder of the Sociological School of Bucharest, the Romanian Sociology Review is dedicated to promoting sociological knowledge and inquiry related to a broad-range of social processes. Covering different topics and domains, including social change, social development, social history, social policy, demography, gender studies, political issues, social inequalities, education, organization & labour studies, criminology and migration studies, the review’s focus is oriented towards (but not limited to) empirical research from a sociological and historical approach.
Sociologie Românească is published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.

ISSN 1220-5389
E-ISSN 2668-1455

CfP Special Issue: “The Centenary of Romanian Sociology (1925-2025): 100 years since the first sociological field research carried out by the Gusti School in Greater Romania”


In 2025, we will commemorate the centennial of the first sociological field research campaign conducted in Greater Romania in 1925 by Dimitrie Gusti’s Sociological School in the village of Goicea Mare, Dolj County, Oltenia Province. This event marks the true beginning of Romanian sociology as a scientific discipline. With the establishment of the Sociological School of Bucharest by Dimitrie Gusti, Romania connected to the international scientific community. Field research is an essential component of sociology as a social science, and the commencement of field-based sociological research in Greater Romania in 1925 represents the definitive structuring of sociology as a mature scientific discipline.

The centenary of this remarkable milestone in the history of Romanian sociology calls for a special commemorative issue of Sociologie Românească, the journal founded by Dimitrie Gusti. This issue will pay tribute to Romanian sociology and to those who contributed to its foundation, continuation, and revival during the interwar, communist, and post-communist periods. The thematic issue seeks original contributions—both quantitative and qualitative—that are directly or indirectly connected to field research in sociology. Equally, we are interested in manuscripts addressing the evolution of Romanian sociology and field research across the three key historical periods that Romania has traversed over the past century: the interwar era, the communist period, and the post-1989/post-communist period. Contributions should emphasize the main achievements of Romanian sociology, particularly from the perspective of field research.

In conclusion, Sociologie Românească proposes a thematic issue dedicated to original research contributions focusing on field research and its historical development across the three major periods in Romania's history. This initiative aims not only to honor the founders and continuers of Romanian sociology but also to stimulate critical reflection on the discipline’s future directions in alignment with international scientific trends.

CfP Sociologie Românească Special Issue: "Romanian workers, home and abroad: inequalities, social rights and labor struggles"


Call for papers Sociologie Românească Special Issue
Title: “Romanian workers, home and abroad: inequalities, social rights and labor struggles”
Planned Date of Publication: First half of 2023
Keywords: fair mobility; freedom of movement; inequalities; labor relations; migration infrastructure; care work

Cătălin Buzoianu, Institute for East European Studies, Free University of Berlin,
Christian Sperneac-Wolfer, Institute for Social Research, Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main,
Sebastian Țoc, National University of Political Science and Public Administration, and Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy,

Since 1989 Romania has experienced one of the largest emigration processes worldwide, with an estimated 3 million citizens leaving the country (Anghel et al. 2017, 35). The Enlargement process of the European Union with its freedom of movement has gradually expanded the possibilities of finding work abroad in Europe for Romanians.  However, many recent studies have shown the challenges faced by Romanian workers abroad: insecure and exploitative work relations (Hopfgartner et al. 2022; Cosma et al. 2020), difficult access to healthcare and social protection (Ratzmann 2022; Scheibelhofer 2022a; Blauberger and Schmidt 2014), institutionalized racism and racializing media discourses (Fox et al. 2012), criminalization and deportation practices (Vrăbiescu 2019) etc. Theoretically, scholars have focused on the regime of social rights for mobile EU citizens in destination countries (Scheibelhofer 2022b; Schmidt et al. 2018; Bruzelius et al. 2017), the transnational migration infrastructure enabling mobility (Voivozeanu 2021) as well as the role of knowledge asymmetries in administrative procedures for social entitlements (Ratzmann and Heindlmaier 2022).

Vol. 22 No. 2 (2024)

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