De la hegemonia germană la imperiul sovietic în Europa From the German hegemony to the Soviet empire in Europe Section Articles


Angela Banciu


The Second World War represents the greatest tragedy known in the history of humanity. 60 years after the end of this huge cataclysm there still is an ample effort of investigation, illustrated by a speciality literature of astounding dimensions, that intensifies the interest of the specialists and of the large audience for the knowledge and interpretation of this tragic event, as well as of its consequences for Europe and the entire world. The present study synthesises the consequences brought out by the change of the relation of political and military forces in favour of Moscow, with negative effects to the plan of the evolution of democracy in several European countries, Romania included.


Author Biography

Angela Banciu, Polytechnic University of Bucharest

Address: Splaiul Independenței, Nr. 313, 060042, District 6, Bucharest

How to Cite
Banciu, A. (2005). De la hegemonia germană la imperiul sovietic în Europa: From the German hegemony to the Soviet empire in Europe. Sociologie Românească, 3(3), 123-129. Retrieved from