Încadrarea mediatică a inteligenței artificiale: o analiză a framingului din publicațiile online din România


Lucian Artene


Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly at the center of public discourse. Considering the current importance of AI technologies, but also the influence that the mass media has on users' adoption of new technologies and their regulation, the article aims to analyze the attitudes of online publications in Romania towards AI. By using content analysis, the attitudes and themes of 100 articles selected from the most visited Romanian news websites were examined. The results reveal a relatively balanced distribution of attitudes, with 37% of articles expressing negative sentiments, 35% positive and 28% neutral. The most frequently addressed topics include the impact on jobs, especially the negative one, regulations in the field and new functionalities. Compared to the publications in English, as can be seen from the specialized literature, the Romanian articles present a more balanced attitude towards technology, with less emphasis on the dangers. However, the analysis shows that current events can strongly influence public discourse, and approaches vary by publication. These findings suggest a diverse debate, subject to rapid changes, with important implications for AI communication, education and policy in the Romanian space.


Author Biography

Lucian Artene, University of Bucharest

Doctoral School, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
Address: 9 Schitu Măgureanu Street, District 1, 010181, Bucharest, Romania.
E-mail: lucian.artene@s.unibuc.ro

How to Cite
Artene, L. (2024). Încadrarea mediatică a inteligenței artificiale: o analiză a framingului din publicațiile online din România. Sociologie Românească, 22(1), 162-182. https://doi.org/10.33788/sr.22.1.9


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