Return Intentions of Romanian Migrants From the United Kingdom: An Exploratory Approach
Return migration is a complex phenomenon driven by a combination of individual, familial, societal, and economic factors. This study aims to discover the key reasons that limit return intentions of Romanian migrants from United Kingdom to their country of origin. Using a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods, semi-structured interviews with experts involved in the integration of Romanians in the United Kingdom, and an online survey among Romanian migrants, this study identifies a series of factors that determine Romanian workers’ return intentions. The results indicate that available jobs in the communities of origin in Romania where they have families, and where family solidarity networks are created, are important drivers of return migration. The need to improve government measures to stimulate the return of Romanian workers must be seen in the broader context of the functionality of families with migrant workers, considering both the positive and negative consequences of labour migration for the quality of family life, and the care provision for dependents (children and elderly people).
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