Adecvarea politicilor publice la tendințele demografice actuale


Daniel Arpinte


About most of types of crises we have got very few details about how they are starting, how they are developing or about their impact on immediate or long term. Either is the COVID-19 pandemic (nobody was able to anticipate the start of the pandemic, although such risk was known as probable, as well as the predictions about its evolution were extremely diverse), about the Ukrainian war or about the economic crisis which already is made visible by an increasing inflation and employment, but particularly about the cumulative effect of these crises, we are confronted with a high degree of uncertainty and with the difficulty to plan and implement a response. The article brings into discussion another type of crises, the family and child policy crisis, of which beginning was known (or rather ignored) but of which effects on long term are clearly identifiable. An important consequence, the demographic crisis, strongly tied to the child and family deficit protection, has built during a three decade period, the National Institute of Statistics (2021) showing that in 2060 the Romanian population will fall to 14.54 million people, because of significant fertility decline and because of an increasing emigration. Basically, the population of Romania was in 2021 slightly below to the population registered in 1966, although during the last over three decades of the communist regime was implemented an aggressive pro-natalist policies. The article aims to identify the main features of the family policies and those targeting the elderlies into the context of a sharp demographic decline.


Author Biography

Daniel Arpinte, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 Septembrie Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.

How to Cite
Arpinte, D. (2024). Adecvarea politicilor publice la tendințele demografice actuale. Sociologie Românească, 22(1), 69-83.


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