From “At Risk” to “Dangerous” People. The Roma Between Development Policies and Practices of Expulsion


Ionuț Marian Anghel


Over more than three decades since the fall of state socialism in Central and Eastern Europe, the position of the Roma in the region is rather ambivalent. Numerous European institutions, inter-governmental development agencies, national governments and European and national/local non-governmental organizations are involved in a pan-European effort to turn the tide for the Roma. The paper argues that although there are numerous efforts to implement development policies and programs to bridge the gap between Roma and non-Roma, there is still a gap between the discourses and inclusion policies developed at the European and national level and those at the sub-national level. There is a tendency to move away from the framing of Roma as an “at risk” group to seeing them as “dangerous people”, who pose threats to the security of others. The paper uses two sets of data sources. First, it employs a secondary analysis of three recent databases: – SocioRoMap – Sociographic mapping of Roma communities in Romania for community-level monitoring of changes regarding Roma integration (2017) and two surveys conducted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2011 and 2016). The second data source is based on semi-structured interviews carried out in several research projects that the author has participated in over the last few years. In conclusion, I argue that the two political projects of institutional developmentalism and securitization of the lifestyle of the poorest Roma can coexist, but the abandonment of the former can lead to complex social problems in the future.


Author Biography

Ionuț Marian Anghel, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 Septembrie Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.

How to Cite
Anghel, I. M. (2024). From “At Risk” to “Dangerous” People. The Roma Between Development Policies and Practices of Expulsion. Sociologie Românească, 22(1), 9-29.


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