Modele de dezvoltare identitară în familii minoritare etnic/multiculturale de surzi
Although the existence of internal ethnic diversity within Deaf communities is recognized by several authors, there has been less analysis of the impact of the ethnicity of marriage partners on the development and transmission of identity within Deaf families. This paper addresses language use and crossgenerational identity transmission in ethnic minority or ethnically mixed families set up by Deaf spouses living in Oradea (Romania). The research conducted in the Deaf community of Oradea is based on a survey of ethnic Hungarian Deaf community members (including ethnic Romanian spouses), lifepath interviews with selected Deaf individuals, and family case studies. The research results denote that in the case of Deaf people living in ethnically homogenous marriages who have graduated from a special school in Hungarian language, the transmission of Hungarian identity, knowledge of Hungarian sign language/oral language tends to be a natural, undisturbed process. However, if one of the spouses is of Romanian ethnicity, the language of communication within the family will probably be Romanian sign language/oral language. On the other hand, in families where both minority and majority ethnic family members, Deaf and hearing, are present, complex, multifaceted patterns of linguistic communication may operate, favoring specific multicultural ways of developing and transmitting identity.
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