Influența capitalului erotic asupra succesului profesional și social
The main objective of the study was to explore the theory of erotic capital created by Catherine Hakim (2011). Starting from her theory – which says that individuals with a high erotic capital have some advantages in life – I have analyzed both the construction process of the erotic capital and the advantages and disadvantages of this form of capital. In my research I was focused on the following aspects: identifying the components of erotic capital, analyzing the social construction of erotic capital, and identifying the role of erotic capital in the personal lives of respondents. I used a qualitative research method, the interview. The results I obtained are largely in consonance Hakim's theory of erotic capital, all its components were presented and commented on by the respondents. Another important aspect of the study comes from the new perspectives which emerged during the research. Apart from the components of the erotic capital proposed by Hakim, in my own research it was identified other essential elements of erotic capital such as: self-confidence, intelligence, sense of humor, love or ability to adapt to new situations. This research was an exploratory one, being the basis of future research.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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